Crowborough Street Pastors

The Challenge


Anti-social behaviour, the breakdown of the family and young people feeling disenfranchised and marginalised are all challenges to both the Church and society.

The Street Pastors initiative began in 2003 and is now in over 200 locations around the United Kingdom.

The teams have enjoyed an almost universally positive reception among the people where they work. Time and again what impresses most is that Street Pastors are a committed and passionate group of Christians who work as volunteers.

The Church does have a vital role to play in the 21st Century. Street Pastors aim to make it known that the Church has left the building to create a visible presence on the streets to help thevulnerable,frightened, intimidated and those who are hurting and to offer non-judgemental pastoral support to those who request help.

Official crime statistics have shown that in areas where Street Pastors are working there is asignificant reduction in crime and the community feels reassured. These facts have gained Street Pastors national approval and support. Politicians, local Police and local Councils welcome the work we do and working in partnership with these organisations offers significant resources and influence that can make a big difference. We have dubbed this ‘the Urban Trinity’.